I was tagged by Faith and G-chan
*BIG Deja Vu moment*
ok so here are 7 facts about me:
1- I was the super quite student till 8th grade, when I became somehow a troublemaker, and reached my peak on the 11th grade.
2- I never believed in Blackberry devices till I got one (I got it for work purposes)
3- I was very close to get a new 135i a year ago but backed off in the last minute.
4- I love stationary. Like REALLY love stationary.
5- Sometimes (well, most of the time) I become like the character "Monk" from the TV series. I like to see things very well-organized. (sometimes I see a pen opened on my friend's desk and can't stop myself from putting the cover back on).
6- I have a SERIOUS forgetting problem.
7- I switched between 3 jobs in 18 months.
now I tag (Damn everyone is tagged already):
- Amjad
- Muggle
- Lil me
- Toxic
End of blog entry ...
I liked the 5th fact the most. Monk rulesss!
As for fact #5 I don't think so!!!
Lol it's funny that I never noticed #5 till my friends told me =P
and you mean you don't think #5 is true?? or #6??
I meant fact Number 6. Mashallah your memory is quite good! "allahum la 7asad" :D
Oh no believe me it is true. just ask my mom =P
like my doctor said: i have bad memory in the "tasks" setion but not in the "facts" section =P
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