so the last week of work before graduation was a REALLY busy week.
i got a call from the company's CEO on friday night, telling me that an urgent Project analysis must be done, like, NOW!!!
i didnt mind, these are the stuff that i can do since im still not married and not comitted to anything...
so i went to the office, at 9 pm, friday night, and started working....
i got a little bit tired, so went home, to complete the work,..
and imagine this, i slep on my laptop xD
i woke up at fajr, saw 2 miss calls from the CEO.
i sent him a msg with the updates, ate a light meal before athan el fajr (was gonna fast), had a shower, then went to the office to finish up my work ;)
the analysis was needed at 11 am, and alhamdulilah i finished it at 10 am ;)
at 5.30 pm, i was having my Iftar in the company's kitchen, and the CEO walks in, this convo took place:
- CEO: Amarant!!! where have you been? i've been searching for you all over the place!
- Me: im fasting, and maghrib athan will start in few mins.
- CEO: oh ok, i just wanted to come and say: Congratulations! (taps me in the back), you have done a world-class work yesterday and today!!! keep it up!
- Thank you Sir ;)
all that hard work n not sleeping well and taking time from my weekend, were worth those few recognition words ;)
end of blog entry ....