Sunday, 19 October 2008

how far would you go ??

an incident happened to me During my last year in SQU

it was a nice monday afternoon, and had to study for my Multinational Finance test.

when the sun came down, i started feeling sick...

couldnt study, couldnt even hold a book.

i though of sleeping early, waking up early n go to study, but i couldnt sleep.

then i accepted reality, im sick, im gonna go to the health center tomorrow, get my meds, and will be excused from the test.

at around 5 am, i started feeling better (too late) =O

and i was getting more sleepy by the minute, and what does that mean?? It means im gonna wake up feeling good, and so i cant go to the health center feeling good, i would be a liar,

after gathering my thoughts, i got a way out! it was crazy, might not work, but i got nothing more to loose.

I HAVE TO STAY AWAKE! if i dont sleep for around 36 hrs, i would be dead in the morning, sick.

so my plan was put to action: i need caffaine!!! this was the list of things i had:
- 2 cans of power Gold drink
- 1 can of redbull drink
- 2 coffee mugs
- 1 cappucino mug

did it work??

HELL YAH IT DID ! kept me :- till 9 am, i felt like thw rold is spinning, my stomach is making hurricanes inside.

went to the health center, got my meds, went home and slept

and had a make-up exam the next week.

it was crazy, but it worked
(i dont think im gonna do it ever again)


Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...


You're seriously crazy to drink all that stuff!

But hey, it worked ;)

Amarant said...

haha yah craziness works sometimes =p

sweetness said...

Gooooooosh .. so brave !

How could you drink all those stuff ?!

BTW : thank you for adding me in your list ;>

Anonymous said...

loooool I've faked that I was sick 1000 times to skip classes and exams in uni =p.& no I dont feeel guilty =D.

Amarant said...

lol well i needed a REAL excuse, was an important test and a simple "i was sick at home" excuse wouldnt work =p

sweetness anytime ...

Salima Al Masrouri said...

LooooL OMG!

You could've just went to the hospital at that time "Fajer".
Thank god it all went well at the end. xD