this also car material, but interesting and understandable to everyone =P
Sooooooooooooo all the news these days are about Big Mergers, aquisitions, joint ventures between Auto Giants...
im not very updated with these news as i look at the cars more than the corporations...
but it's really interesting, how can the biggest enemies, be partners,,,, business world is such a tough world that forces long-time Rivals to be friends (or let's keep it as partners)
- GM and Chrysler!!! what a shock, i've never seen a single car released from one of these 2 companies, that didnt have a competitor from the other, now there are some Rumors that they might work together.
- BMW and Mercedes: now this shocked me even more!!! Being a BMW fan, never thought that they would think of partnering with Mercedes!!!
When the Rumor was 1st out, everyone expected BMW to use Mercedes's big V12 engines, and Mercedes to use BMW's mini engines....
But the 1st sign was kinda different, BMW is gonna give Mercedes it's newly Devloped V12 to use (for which car? i dont know)
i must say that this time is business time, and you have to do what you need to do to survive.
bottom line: i still think each car will have its own charecter, even if it uses engine, base, transmission from another company...
That's why i care about the cars, not the corporations ;)
End of Blog entry
Yup that's business.They don't care who you are as long as they are going to benefit each other business and money wise.Don't worry BMW stands out no matter what ;).
La walla BMW is partnering with Mercedece!! :|
lol yah Wolf doll: each will still have its own charectarestics ;)
Faith: yup yup, imagine?!
bas not a full partnerships, they will share some engines ;)
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