Wednesday, 14 January 2009

VW Drive to Seefah:

after the incident with the police early in the morning, we went to enjoy our time with the VW guys.

everyone was disappointed that Mike didnt bring his Turbo bunny, since everyone wanted to see the 1st Stage 2 GTI in Oman.

the Drive was really nice, the road was beautiful, and i tried to be creative with pics =p

the weather wasnt bad, but it was sooooooo sunny and no shade whatsoever, so we got some sun burns here n there =p.

had a photoshoot, then drove back home (passed by matrah on our way back).

end of blog entry.


Bling said...

Ya36eek el T Bunny :P

Amarant said...

lol el T-bunny ma kanat mawgooda, allah y5alee banat el shur6a :P